Friday, February 17, 2017

Call for art fall 2017

STEP 2. Answer the following:
What information is found in each of these calls?
each call had: The gallery it was representing, a mission statement, what their exhibition was, what they were looking for, why they were doing it, what content they were after, mediums requested, location of the show, deadlines for submissions, requirements that needed to be met in the submission, and contact information
How is that information organized?
each website had their own format but for the most part the separated each section out with a headliner and highlighted the important information from that section. 
Consider the design choices in each call. Name one positive aspect of each of the call’s organization of information and one negative aspect. How does the design relate to/reflect the content of the call?
1.  Pros: well orginised, clearly hilighted deadline, clear proposal requirements.
Cons : the concept for the art they were calling for was not very clear
2. Pros: very well wrtten mission statement, clear deadline, information about the jurors, clear comunication on the format of submition, submition critereia was very clear and informitive, it didnt leave me with questions. 
3. Pros: provided the nameof the ehibition and what they are hoping to do with the exicution of the flipbooks, information on how the show willl be touring, a spacific guidline on where the contenet is from
cons: the idea of the printed flip book is not clearly communicated, it does not say if the artist has to print the book or if the gallery is going to, it also does not say if the artist has to put their work in a specific format for the gallery to put the flip book together or how the artist would go about doing it independently. I know that it is a call for the art and it wouldn't need to be submitted with the call but knowing the details can be important to the artist.

Montana State University Billings Northcutt Steele Gallery call for art fall 2017

Northcutt Steele Gallery is an institute of art dedicated to exhibiting and supporting art from around the country in hopes of creating important and interesting conversations. We have a strong relationship with artists in the region and we are in high hopes of making more connections nationally and globally.

Northcutt Steele Gallery is currently accepting proposals for the fall of 2017 for exhibitions in its professional gallery space. Artists and curators are invited to submit recent or proposed works that you feel is an interesting or exciting topic to get people talking about. 

Deadline for proposals is Monday May 29, 2017, 11:59 MST

Exhibition proposals will be reviewed and selected by the art professors of MSU Billings and other MSU faculty. We will inform you of our decision by June 20, 2017.

All proposals must be submitted digitally. Send us your proposals via email to by the deadline given above.

Guide Lines

1.     Exibition Proposal in a word document or PDF file. These should include:
·  Contact information, email and phone of all artists involved
·  Title decription and consept
·  Any budgetary concerns
2.     Resumes or CVs for all proposed artists involved in its own word document or PDF file
3.     No more than 15 digital images in .jpg format. Numbers should be used in the file names beginning with 01.jpg. each image must be at most 1MB. Any files that don’t meet these requirements will not be viewed when considering your proposal.
·    Videos must be able to play on a computer using QuickTime or have a link to Vimeo or YouTube
4.     Corresponding numbered image list of submitted images and or videos in a Word document or PDF file
5.     Email subject must read “Fall 2017 Exhibition proposal” to

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Northcutt Steele Gallery.

The Northcutt Steele Gallery is located on the first floor of the Liberal Arts on the Montana State University Billings campus. The gallery is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00 pm, and by appointment. For more information please visit

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