Thursday, April 20, 2017

juried student exhibition

On Friday March 31st during class time, I helped Lauren uninstall her works and spackle the holes in the wall.   I also helped in unwrapping art and keeping the packaging in a orderly pile. After unwrapping the art, the install group including myself put a lot of time and consideration into where the art should be placed in the room.
Monday April 3rd I worked on the install of the works from 11:30 to 12:45. I helped clean pedestals and I also repainted three of them.
Wednesday April 5th I worked 10:30 to 12:30. I helped explain to a couple of people how the magnetic mounting hardware worked and I contacted an artist about some missing screws for their hardware that the gallery didn't have and we got the right stuff with some good communication, I cleaned the windows on the inside and outside of the display cases, and I helped spackle the wall in a few spots where we had missed them before.

Please also respond to these questions:
1. What was the biggest challenge in completing your task?

It was hard to grasp how to hang the art correctly because my classmates didn't quite know how to articulate it to me, and the explanation I hod gotten from my teacher was rushed and confusing. It was frustrating for all the students that didnt do it on a regular basis, and it made communication between me and my other classmate frustrating.

2. What did you learn from this challenge?

 I learned that I should stand up for myself more and speak up when I am frustrated and confused. It would have saved me a lot of bad vibes.

3. What would you do differently if involved in the juried student exhibition in the future. This is an opportunity for self-reflection rather than other-directed criticism.

I would take more time to learn how to properly hang the artworks as well as communicating better with my peers. I need to take the time to step back and look at how i can get a job done more efficiently rather then worrying about saying the wrong thing to someone i don't know very well.

Feel free to add anything else that you learned from this experience and the aspect of the exhibition you feel is most successful.